Sunday, February 26, 2012

goin out with a bang

this year of running has been so frustrating for me thus far. almost every workout i have struggled with the paces, i bombed a really big race in seattle. couldn't even come close the my times from last year. i just haven't been feeling strong mentally or physically. the most frustrating part about it is that since i didn't have cross country last year i took that time to build up a big base in mileage and i felt so strong. but ever since indoor started i have felt like everything has been a struggle.

this weekend was the indoor conference meet in boise. i was so lucky to have my in laws there as well as my parents. cheering me on for all 40 laps of my races. the first night i ran the 5k and got 4th. i felt okay about that race. i ran hard, but not gutsy at all. i tend to let people get into my head and let them think they are better than me. i knew it was going to be a close team race for the championships so in the 3000 on saturday i decided to run really gutsy and not let my head get in the way. it paid off. i beat the twins that i have been trying to beat for a long time and had a kick!! i never had a kick!!! it felt good to finally feel happy after a race.

wanna know the best part about the weekend?!?!?!

WE WON!!!!!!!!

first Western Athletic Conference Championship, and first indoor track championship since 1994.

I am so proud to be a member of this team. this is the greatest way to go out as a senior. We have all wanted this so bad and worked our butts off. it finally paid off! Go Aggies!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

this semester i am in a class called conflicts in africa which is taught by dr. ann laudati. she is someone i have grown to look up to immensely. she has done a lot of work in africa trying to figure out why some of the conflicts are conflicts and what can be done about them. after taking this class i have realized all the information i know and hear is so surface, and most people don't understand the bigger picture and deeper reasons behind what is going on. i love it that all the ideas i had in my head before are being challenged. the class is challenging in itself to me because it is in reading and discussion format (which is so hard for me because i am so shy) and has really challenged me to speak up more.
today we watched a documentary called pray the devil back to hell. it was inspiring to say the least. i can't believe i didn't know anything about what happened in liberia and what led up to then electing the first female president in africa.
anywhoo, i posted the video below. it is 53 minutes long but well worth it. it is very dear to my heart and i think that everyone should watch it to get a sense of the kind of amazing things that are happening over there a midst so much chaos.

Monday, February 20, 2012

yes please!

early morning workout with teammates which ends at Kneaders where i devour unlimited amounts of this:

followed by a hot bath, catching up on last weeks shows, papusas for lunch, and quizzing my husband in anatomy in between mini dance party sessions in our living room.

thank you, presidents, for this day off from everything.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

logan decided to turn into winter last night/today. it was weird to actually have to scrape off my car. meh. oh well. at least it is not outdoor track season yet (not that it means i don't have to run outside everyday). ican'twaittogetoutoflogan.

in other news. as time goes on i start to do less an less to my hair in terms of making it look groomed and such. i have embraced my huge frizzy tangled locks. and guess what. apparently i am in line with some sort of fashion trend with my hair for the first time in my life. i remember always wishing i had lived through the 80's cause i would have been fly back then.

she can do it.

its the best actually. it requires no effort at all. just roll out of bed 10 minutes before class, maybe run your finger through it once or twice to make sure there are no huge rats nests... and you're done!
you can get creative with your messy hair. cute ponytails.
intricate braids.
i even found this pin on pinterest supporting the cause.
is this my way of justifying my laziness towards getting ready in the morning. maybe. it's my life okay?
lazy sunday afternoon. husband is taking a break from studying and playing some shooting/killing/war game on x box. and i am blogging about useless things. perfect day.

Friday, February 17, 2012

has been really frustrating this week. but seeing this face everyday has made it so much better.

mushy gushy, i know. but at a time when not a lot feels right, i gotta cling to the one thing that does. and that is my love for this guy.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So the big day came and went. it was the most spectacular day. better than i could have ever imagined. i wish i could have really taken in all that was happening that day, but there were way to many things going on. Someday (when i get my wedding pictures back) i will write a post about the day's happenings.

for now i am pretty content and finally settling in to married life.

i decided to stop eating dessert/treats/excess sugar. its been pretty hard. i am on day 4 right now. it has helped because my friend spenny decided to turn it into a bet and the first person to give in owes the other $10. but he has to give up alcohol too. so i am going to hold out as long as humanly possible.

jazz games have been consuming a lot of our time/ hang outs with friends and i feel obligated now that justin bought me a milsap jersey to find a love for the game. and you know what? it's happening.

classes are good. i am scared to graduate. i don't know what i am going to do after. ahhhhh.. growing up is super weird. i just wanna play on swings.

justin is muttering some anatomy terms right now and he has been super focused on his classes all semester and got a job with a physical therapist!!!

i don't know why i am writing all these random updates. i guess cause i don't know what else to write.
uhhhhhh. i want a kitten or puppy super bad. but what else is new? we got a fish and named him ron paul. he doesn't like to eat very much though. which is good because we forget to feed him a lot. we are bad owners. i don't know how we are going to handle kids.
this is funny.