Wednesday, July 18, 2012

oh hey.

this article was awesome---->,9171,2105432-1,00.html

This is something that is very hard for me and i try to fight it everyday.  i don't know if i am an introvert or a very self concious person, but i think i am a combination of both. i have a constant fear of being judged and of people not liking me. often in social situations i will run to the bathroom just to take a deep breath and give myself a pep-talk about how i need to be outgoing.  other times i just completely shut down and don't talk much and just listen to other people talk, i feel the most comfortable with this, but other people think i am sad or angry or something so i feel pressure to be "outgoing" and "fun."
i think this article is awesome becasue it shows how both introverts and extroverts have strengths of their own. and in a society where i was always told to "speak up" and felt like i couldn't get ahead because i am not super talkative, it helps to know that i am not completely alone. i have been trying to manage my quiteness because i know it comes off as rude and arrogant. i remember when i was in school (it feels good to say that) that before every presentation i would always tell myself i would rather run 15 miles than give that 5 minute presentation. it's hard!! i want to be normal, cool, not self concious, friendly, and outgoing. any tips? i feel like i have been fighting this my whole life. do i just accept it? blah.


  1. This exactly. I relate so much. Thanks for sharing that article. We need to find a way to spend more time together somehow. I love you Kim!

  2. Oh Kim, I miss you. I didn't know you had a blog, now I am stalking you. I think everyone is self conscious, at least I can't imagine being any other way. One of the things that helps me the most is by recognizing and pointing out the strengths in other people. I try to give sincere compliments whenever I can. I promise I am not being preachy-I am not great at this.
    Maybe someday I won't think about what other people think about me. I hope it isn't because I don't care. I hope it is because I am too busy being a better person that I am now:)

    1. Maren!Thanks for your comment! That is really good advice actually! i need to remember to try to do that. because i think you are right, i notice when i focus on other people i don't notice as much how awkward i am, then i don't feel as insecure, not to mention you are boosting other people up! i love you and miss you!!
