allow me to nerd out.... did you know that it is unacceptable to do a double space after periods? if you did, then WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? i feel like maybe someone early on in life told me that was the correct way to do it as a joke, and then i continued to do it and probably gave all my high school teachers and college professors a good laugh. "look at this girl, she still thinks that you are supposed to double space after periods, what a FOOL, mwahahahahaha (evil laughter)." I am sure that is what happend. they just kept getting a laugh out of it and didn't tell me.
i don't think you guys understand how devastating this really is to me. not just because i feel lied too and emberassed, but also because for the last 17 years i have been using extra energy after every sentence to put that extra space in when i didn't need to. that is energy that could have compiled to go towards something even greater! like playing a musical instrament, or running faster! i feel a little cheated. thanks for nothing!

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