- Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the questions the nominator asked, and create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
- Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
- Go to their page and tell them.
- No tag-backs.
11 things about moi!
1. top five favorite animals are (in no particular order): unicorns, kittens, horses, dolphins, and wolves.
2. i once ran my car into the temple fence (it was a snowy day), it was right after i got baptized and everyone told me i was going to get excommunicated.
3. many people think i am african american
4. my two loves in life are my husband and FOOD!
5. i want to live on a farm with miniature ponies that keep my grass trimmed nice and short and have chickens and goats and lots of kitties.
6. i have been riding dirt bikes since age 6 and once had a dream of being a professional motocross racer.
7. i am deathly afraid of lightning and have been in way to many near misses.
8. favorite movie is titanic and i can recite every single line for you.
9. i cry more than anyone you will ever meet. every movie, touching commercial, etc. that i see brings tears to my eyes. i think my husband is immune to it now.
10. i have read the harry potter series over 25 times
11. i love my life and all the people in it. i feel so blessed every day for the life i have and the amazing people that are in it.
Kacee's Questions for me
- What is something you are most excited about in your life coming up in the near future? I know this is dumb, but i get really excited to sleep. so i am excited for tonight and the moment when my head hits the pillow. other than that i am excited for my husband's b-day!
- What would a perfect food day be (what would your meals and snacks be)? without the consequences of feeling fat and sick after? i would want tikka marsala from tandori oven, yellow curry, my mom's egg rolls, pho, a cheese dog, bubble tea smoothie, maybe some mushroom ravioli with a Gorgonzola cheese sauce, and some zuppa toscana, or a tomato bisque. can you tell i worship food?
- What is one of your quirks that people typically don't know about? I hate being called bud or pal.
- What is a simple thing that makes you happy? being with my husband, cheesy, but true. also, the smell of fresh laundry.
- What came first, the chicken or the egg? the cheggen
- What is your favorite time of day? just before sunset when everything turns a pretty golden color.
- What is one of your best memories? jumping up and down on my bed with justin while singing songs.
- What is something you are proud of that you accomplished? learning how to show people i care about them.
- What is your favorite time of the year and why? spring and fall, cause it's not to hot, and not too cold... it's juuuuuuuuust right!
- Who is someone you look up to? my mother-in-law merilyn and my mother because they are the most genuine, caring, toughest women i have ever met.
- What do you want to be when you 'grow up'? a mom, a happy person, a good wife, i would also like to do any sort of work helping people.
My Questions for you!!!
1. Top five favorite animals?
2. if you were an animal what would you be?
3. Who has been the most influential person in your life other than your parents and significant other?
4. if you could do ANYTHING in the world for an occupation what would it be?
5. what would you do with a million dollars?
6. how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
7. what is something nice that someone did for you today?
8. what's your favorite physical feature?
9. If you could live during a different era when would you want to live?
10. where were you when you found out micheal jackson died?
11. where is the furthest you have been away from home?
I TAG EVERYONE THAT READS THIS.... it's probably less than eleven, but i want YOU to do it!!! and leave me a comment so i can see your answers to my questions! :)
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