Friday, August 24, 2012

whenever i want you, all i have to do is dream.

this week is definitly a week that i will not be sad to see end. i feel a little, a lot defeated. its just one of those weeks i guess. we all have them. i am just not the best at pretending its not one of those weeks.

one thing that is really good at cheering me up (other than J) is dreaming, making plans, thinking about adventures. even if i know they are in reality never going to happen, sometimes it is just enough to get me out of a slump, and if anything appreciate just how beautiful this world is.

this post is dedicated to some of my dreams.

Greece has always been a dream of mine.

Havasupai? Maybe next summer?

Senegal's Lake Retba, or as the French refer to it Lac Rose, is pinker than any milkshake. Experts say the lake gives off its pink hue due to cyanobacteria, a harmless halophilic bacteria found in the water. Lake Retba has a high salt content, much like that of the Dead Sea, allowing people to float effortlessly in the massive pink water.

Waterton, Canada. One of the prettiest places in all the land. this is on my to do list for the next few years.

Patagonia. It is a dream of mine to backpack through south america and hit up patagonia.

Redwoods. i have always wanted to go for a run through these trees. word on the street is they don't let you drive your car through that famous tree anymore. stupid government.

This is a picture of the milky way over lake titicaca in peru. my dream is to go to the bolivia side. someday.

While i am dreaming i really want this cat. i wouldn't mind cuddling with this cutie. :)

some people think dreams are stupid because they mean you aren't appreciating the present yada, yada, yada. but to me dreams are important because it gives me something to work towards and get excited about, they keep me going through the rough times.

what are your dreams?


  1. Yay, I love that you dream. not stupid at all. My dreams are very similar to places to see..aka can I bum along when you go to all these cool places?? ;)

    but for real, I wanna go to Portugal reeeeal bad, Maldives, and Peru to name a few. Plus, I always dream of going to the Olympics and watching the 10k..Rio? I also dream of having cute babies, helping Nate have a successful career, and you know, just being happy :)

    1. uhhh... YES you can come with me :)
      those places sound amazing, i might have to add them to my list. also, we should get seats by each other at the rio olympics for the 10k. that would be a dream. i like your dreams!dreams make me so happy, but sometimes i feel bad because i think they stress my husband out because he feels pressure to make them all happen, which isn't what i want! i just like dreaming!

  2. Yeah I am coming to Havasupai with you if you don't mind an awkward single person coming with you. Has always been my dream to go there among other places, that one is definitely the most obtainable for the nearest future though.

  3. I had no idea about Lake Retba- but now I'm adding it to my list! That looks so incredible!
