This weekend was full of magical happenings (and magical food). it started off with this movie i have been wanting to see for months (ever since i saw the trailer).
let me tell ya... it did not disappoint. everytime i watch a wes anderson film it becomes my new favorite movie. and between margot in the royal tenenbaums and suzy in moonrise kingdom, i want to wear heavy amounts of eyeliner all the time, not to mention be super rebellious. ah, i am in love with this movie, this soundtrack and everything about it.
the next day we went up near preston, idaho and floated down the oneida narrows river. omg. floating down rivers on my king kool is one of the greatest summer passtimes in existence. there were rapids, there was a rock to jump off of, there were great great friends. best of everything right thurr.
and nohohohhohohoh don't think for a second this was the end of the day.... we then headed to a magical little place called mink creek that i had only seen on people's facebooks and heard stories about from my husband. I guess there is some middle school biology teacher that has a lot of land and he decided to build a series of treehouses that have hanging bridges that go from tree to tree, boardwalks underneath, rope swings, gazebos.... yeah, pretty magical right? i wish i had more pictures of the actual treehouses and swinging bridges, but i don't. the bridges were kind of scary and really steep, but awesome nonetheless.

acting out the sound of music gazebo scene of course.
did i mention the biology teacher guy likes to raise awesome animals. here is a baby racoon that just wanted to snuggle up. to bad it is going to grow up and probably get rabies.
blissful rope swing. could have stayed here all day.
P.S. happy 6 months to my bestest friend in the world and guy who makes me laugh even though i don't want to sometimes.