logan decided to turn into winter last night/today. it was weird to actually have to scrape off my car. meh. oh well. at least it is not outdoor track season yet (not that it means i don't have to run outside everyday). ican'twaittogetoutoflogan.
in other news. as time goes on i start to do less an less to my hair in terms of making it look groomed and such. i have embraced my huge frizzy tangled locks. and guess what. apparently i am in line with some sort of fashion trend with my hair for the first time in my life. i remember always wishing i had lived through the 80's cause i would have been fly back then.
she can do it.

its the best actually. it requires no effort at all. just roll out of bed 10 minutes before class, maybe run your finger through it once or twice to make sure there are no huge rats nests... and you're done!
you can get creative with your messy hair. cute ponytails.
intricate braids.
i even found this pin on pinterest supporting the cause.
is this my way of justifying my laziness towards getting ready in the morning. maybe. it's my life okay?
lazy sunday afternoon. husband is taking a break from studying and playing some shooting/killing/war game on x box. and i am blogging about useless things. perfect day.
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